Sunday, September 10, 2006

Momma's First Break

I finally broke down and let Sophie spend the night at Mammaw's house. I didn't want to, she has offered to keep her before and I always said no. But, after about 4 nights of 3 hours of sleep- it suddenly didn't seem so bad. Sophie had been nursing well, so I wasn't too worried about her forgetting what we had worked so hard to learn. So off she went. We dropped her off around 7, I went home and took a bath to calm down because I was a little hysterical, and fell asleep. I woke up once in the night to pump, then woke up at 6:00 a.m. soaking wet, but rested. I went back to bed after pumping again until time to go to church. It was glorious. I really missed her, but once my head hit the pillow (well, once I stopped being upset after my head hit the pillow) I slept like a log. Awesome. Really, really awesome. She does not seem to be too scarred from me dumping her off for the night, and we have had a really good day today.

Jacob goes back to work tonight, which is just so disappointing. Being home together has just been amazing, I am so sad that it is ending. He really has been so great, and just getting to hang out with him every day has been like a dream come true. I'm telling you, if we won the lottery- I wouldn't go crazy and buy a bunch of crap, I would just make it where neither one of us ever had to work again, even if it meant we never got to do anything but just stay home together. Tonight will be hard, not something I am looking forward to.

Over the past several days we all did a lot of visiting- we went to Illinois to see Grandmama during the day and then went to Pappaw and Nana's in the evening. It was a nice day, long, but nice. Then we went to visit some of my dads family yesterday. Lots of traveling, glad to be home today.

For some reason blogger isn't letting me post images- sorry. I'll try again later.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

if i win the lottery, you get your wish. not that i'd hold my breath or anything, but if i win, we're all golden.

i love reading your take on all this. it makes me feel so sappy, though.

motherhood agrees with you! :)