Thursday, September 28, 2006

Oh what a beautiful morning

The day just seems so much better when the night before wasn't spent with an unhappy baby. Sophie has just a bit of colic, just enough for her to scream A LOT from about 8:00 to 1:00 am. It's pretty taxing, and the reason why I have been spending a lot of nights with Momma so that she can help me while Jacob is at work. But last night, something was different. She started up right on time in the middle of church, so we went to the nursery to eat. And then something peculiar happened. She stopped crying. Period. She probably fussed for about 45 minutes total all night. It was glorious. So we went home after church and stayed the night by ourselves and everything went great. IT just kept getting weirder. We had a whole night without either one of us being frustrated or angry, she would get up to eat and then fall right back to sleep, nice, nice, nice.

Then to top it all off, Jacob stayed up this morning to help me get her ready for the day, and while he was talking to him, she laughed at him. I thought my heart would just explode, I was just so excited and proud of my little girl.

I don't even dare to hope for another night as good as this one, but just maybe...


5KidMom said...

I understand why you don't dare hope, but I'll be happy to hope for you. 8^) Babies with colic are tough, and I think a mostly happy night is reason to celebrate!

Kathy said...

Hopefully it lasted. I asked an on-line friend of mine about any advice for you since her oldest (now 15?) had colic. Here's what she had to say: When Sarah was colliky an elderly lady came up to me (from the church we were attending) and she was so sweet. She put her arms around me and really made me feel like she cared. She said "Honey, when my babies were like that we made them some cat nip tea." So, since I was desperate and had tried everything else, I went to an all natural food store and found some cat nip tea. It came in tea bags and I brewed her up a cup with just a little sugar. I put it in a bottle and she drank it...actually really liked it. From then on I had a different baby! Everytime she had a colliky period I would make up some tea and it really did ease the pain. On the box the tea came in, it said that it is used to calm the stomach.

The mom's name is karen & she's on the SAHM Yahoo group your mom use to be on.

Kathy said...

Here is more info for you from another mom who's experienced a colicky baby (Kim): GET OFF MILK COMPLETELY!! Because baby's tummies are not meant to handle cow's milk, its a protein or sugar thing, and unfortunately, mom's who are intaking dairy or formulas that contain a cow milk base are passing that on to little one.
Karissa would not nurse so we did formula and she was an awful mess for 1 year. Up every night with a tummy ache. We just thought she was a colicky baby and just put up with it. I nursed Mikaela exclusively and when she started a really fussy stage, I went off of mil completely. She was a new child. I tried introducing it every couple weeks, but I could not go back on anything dairy for almost the whole year I was nursing.
I am not a big dairy person, other than cheese. You have to go off sour cream, or milk, or yogurt, or anything.
You would not believe the moms I have passed this advice to and it works!
Soy would probably be ok. We are sorry that we did not find this out for Karissa. Big guilt about that! Kim

Andi, my girls never had this problem so I never knew all this. The only problem I had was w/Beth. I had mastitis (clogged milk duct). Very painful. If that ever happens to you the football hold while works wonders!!

Unknown said...

Andi, I am so happy you had a good night (a few nights ago - hopefully that has continued). How SWEET about the laugh! Sophie is learning so many new things! Give her kisses for me.


Patricia said...

ah yes, the first (but probably not the last) time she laughs at daddy. how sweet, though!

i hope you have many more peaceful nights ahead very soon.