Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Our Visit To Grandpa's House

Big Snuggles with Grandpa

I think she looks funny here

Big Yawn

Little Miss with Grandpa

Our Family

We don't have any good pictures of Grandma here- we'll have to work on that.


Anonymous said...

He really is looking like Santa. Good picture of you guys.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure that you didn't mean to write that you had taken a trip to see Santa so Sophie could put in her requests early?!?

Great pics. And I am glad to know now why I have not been able to comment the last few days!


Patricia said...

ok, crying then laughing then crying again.

this is exhausting for us readers, too, ya know!

and i can't help myself. the one where you think she "looks funny here"??? i think it's 'cause she looked to her right and saw a nipple that didn't belong to her. like, whoa! where'd all that hair come from?!

laughing again.

people are gonna think i'm losing it.
