Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Practice

Sophie is going to be a lawyer, we just know it. The other day Jacob was changing her poops, as he calls it, and I overheard this exchange:

Dad: Well Sophie, lets change your poops. Do you promise not to poop all over me like you did the other day? Hmm? Daddy is tired of getting messy changing your poops. Can Dad stay clean this time? No pooping on Dad?

Sophie: UGH.

Dad: Well that's great, do we have a deal?

Sophie: {snort} Ugh.

Dad: Well okay then, that's a deal. (Begins changing diaper)

Sophie: PUKE (Sound of puke hitting Dad)

Dad: UGH. Gross.

See... always looking for the loophole. She can't poop- puke. That's my girl.

And yes- really. All she does is grunt and snort, like a little piglet. She does it the most waking up. It's too cute.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

and she's the cutest little piglet ever!

still. i gotta admire jacob for attempting the no poop clause.