Monday, September 04, 2006

Went for a visit

to my dad and step moms yesterday. We had such a good time, and Soph was so good. We all went for a walk, and we had her in her little carrier (shown above), and right on time, as we were the furthest from the house that we planned to be, she pooped. Through her diaper. Onto the carrier. Through the carrier. Onto Jacob's shirt. Through his shirt. Down her leg. Nice. I had a bunch of picture to post, but they didn't burn to the cd right so now he is going to email me some. We always have such a great time with them. I am truly blessed to get along with both of my parents so well. They are both so much fun to be around that it never sucks to spend time with family. We were planning on swimming, but due to abnormally mild temperatures we decided that would be stupid and didn't. Which is probably a good thing since I have pretty much neglected shaving my legs since she was born. I keep waiting for the guys from the Jacks Links jerky commercials to show up and harass me.

Little Miss went to Mamaws house today- without us. I cried. We are not doing anything, she is just there because mom wanted to take her. She came and got her after our little towns annual Labor Day parade, which is big deal around here. So Mom took all my siblings to the parade and then came and got her, and now I'm sitting around the house, longingly smelling my shirt that she puked on before she left and wishing she was here.

Lesson for the day: Being a mom makes you do weird things.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

how much your love shines through! it makes my cry, just reading it.

she is a lucky little girl :)