Wednesday, October 25, 2006

2 Month Check Up

Sophie has definitely caught up with the other kiddies. At her first doctors appointment at 1 week old, she was in the 50th percentile in height and the 5th in weight. She was pretty pathetic. Today she was in the 95th percentile in her height and the 75th in weight. We are all very pleased, to make an understatement. She weighed 11 pounds, 13 ounces, up from 5-12 two months ago. How cool is that?

I scheduled her to be vaccinated on Friday. This REALLY freaks me out. We pondered forever if we were even going to get them done, but decided in the end to go ahead. I am so nervous that she will react badly, it just makes me upset to even think about it. Being a mom is hard. Making all these choices that could affect her entire life is hard. Loving her so much is hard.

Gave her a sink bath today for the first time, it was hilarious. I don't think she could have looked more miserable. To check out her looking completely forlorn, and more than a little disgusted, go
here. It makes me laugh like an idiot, and I'm sure it will amuse you too.

On the road tomorrow to visit all the great-grandparents. Good times.


Alison said...

The pic was fabulous.

Way to go on the growing side of things!!!

Jodi said...

They grow so fast! You can really see the fat rolls she is growing in that pic! What a cutie!

Get those shots! While it may be hard for a few minutes it is alot easier than watching her be sick for 2-3 weeks with one of the diseases those shots prevent. I have gone through five kids and I am still sane. You can do it!

Patricia said...

loving her so much is hard

that's just about the most beautiful thing you could say, andi.

i hope you're able to be brave for her tomorrow. i won't pretend that i can understand, but i'll be thinking about you two.

maybe you could get the lollipop this time.

i loved that pic in the sink, hehe.

Kathy said...

I know what you mean about those shots. I was telling Beth the other day that if I had to do it all over again I don't know that I would do it or not.

That's great on her weight gain.

I saw the sink picture on your mom's blog. That's so funny.