Sunday, October 08, 2006

Smiley Smilerton

Little Miss is learning to smile. It is like little moments of heaven when she does. I can't wait until this becomes a full time ability, rather than one we strive to achieve.

We are at home full time now, settled into a nice bedtime routine (for the most part) that really helps us both go to sleep. So life is really coming together now. (It sure took us long enough, huh?)

We went to our church softball game yesterday, Sophie's first whole day outside. I'd like to tell you that she watched the trees and touched the grass. I'd like to tell you that she had new experiences and found new likes and dislikes. But I can't tell you any of that because she slept. All day. Really, all day. I think perhaps we are having a bit of a growth spurt, as all she seems to be interested in right now is sleeping and eating. And when I say eating, really I mean gorging. But when she sleeps now, it is for enough time for me to sleep and feel rested, or to get the house clean, or any other numerous things that have been on hold for the last 8 weeks. Jacob and I stopped today to reflect on our life now. We decided it is perfect. Truly perfect.


5KidMom said...

So glad to hear about the HAPPY progress!

Alison said...

And I can tell you it will only get better!!! Fresh air knocks anyone out, and is the only thing that helps when my friend down the road has a hard time with her babe. She takes him outside in the breeze and suddenly he is a happy guy!

Patricia said...

i am so happy for you three. god has blessed you and i couldn't be happier to be able to read (and see pics!) as it all happens.

sophie's life... sleeping and eating... she's got it good!