Monday, October 16, 2006

Took Soph to the Dr

Our friend the speech and hearing therapist said that we had reason for concern about Sophie's hearing, so we took her to the doctor today. He said that the hospital had NOT checked on thier charts that she had passed her hearing exam, though they verbally told me that she had. But he wondered why they had not marked that. He said that if she had passed it that everything was probably fine, but agreed that she was not doing what "normal" kids are doing by now. He referred us to a ear specialist to see if everything is in fact alright. They should be calling me with an appointment time by tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a chance to talk to your friend. Continuing to pray!

Alison said...

It seems that they are working quickly. We will be praying that all will be well.

5KidMom said...

That's kind of scary. I am so happy to hear that the doctors are handling this efficiently. Waiting is the worst!

Still praying...

Patricia said...

you and your baby girl are in our prayers. so is your momma.

the discrepancy on the chart thing makes me mad. i suppose i should have a different reaction but right now, mad is all i got.

hugs to you, andi.

Jennifer said...

praying for you all!

Peggy said...

Prayers going up. Sophie is very blessed to have such a wonderful mom and grandmom. Stay strong!

Jodi said...

I will continue my prayers for that beautiful baby girl. (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

Hi Andi,
I just sent this same thing to your mom almost verbatum, but I just wanted you to know that we're continuing to pray for Sophie. I also wanted to tell you that even if there is a problem with her hearing and God chooses to use her in that way to further His wonderful plan, He has placed her with the exact right people to raise her up to be well-adjusted and loving and a willing servant...THE EXACT RIGHT PEOPLE!!! For now though, we will continue to pray that her hearing is fine or that He chooses to make it so. We love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you all Andi. I've asked several other people to pray as well.
