Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cool New Camera

Remember when momma got her cool new camera? Well today I inherited her OLD cool camera. AND we switched the internet from the mac that blogger hated to the pc that blogger loves. So now I can post pictures that don't suck and blog from home. So here we go...

To the left is Jacob with all the kitties- Gus, Max, and Little Bit.
And one of him and Soph too.

Below are all the pumpkins all the kiddoes, Jacob, Jada and myself carved.
This one is all by it's lonesome.

This is too cool!!!


5KidMom said...

A decent camera and computer makes ALL the difference. Welcome to blogging!!

Alison said...

I'm admiring the bookcase full of books...looks alot like Hudsons!

The pumpkins are great!!!

Patricia said...

i'm glad you'll be able to post pics now.

the pic with the cats is hilarious. and the other pic of jacob and sophie is my favorite. the way she's molded right against him, it's beautiful.

Perri said...

I LOVE that bookcase. How cool.

I'm glad the camera went right to work. I am looking forward to LOTS of pictures of the Sophster.
