Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Few Pictures for You, and a Tale of Christmas Woe

Sophie is always happiest first thing in the morning, or right after she wakes up from a nap. Say good morning Sophie!

This is Sophie helping me wrap presents last night. She has one of her stocking stuffers on her feet, but I'll wrap them up again and give them to her on Christmas.

So we went shopping last night, which means we opened our presents last night. Jacob decided a few days ago that he had a stroke of inspiration and was going to pick out a present on his own, in addition to my list. He was feeling pretty good about it, so I encouraged him to go for it. I had a Peyton Manning jersey wrapped up for him, along with a few other goodies, so I knew he was going to love his Christmas. So he comes home and wraps his presents while Sophie and I played in her room. Then he practically skips in the room, such is his level of excitement. I walk in the living room and there is obviously some of the things I wanted wrapped up, some pans and an umbrella. And a very large box. Too large to be anything I could ever think of wanting. We opened presents, my sense of dread growing in equal proportion to his exuberance for me to get to the box. Finally I unwrap it and am thoroughly dismayed to find.....

wait for it...

a toaster oven. (sigh)

I tried to act like it was okay, but finally I just busted out laughing. We have about (and I am not exaggerating here in the least) about 4 foot of counter space in the kitchen. We don't even have room to leave out the regular toaster that occupies about 6 inches, much less an entire toaster oven that is about 16 inches wide. It is happily back at the store now, with several, smaller, much more suitable presents to replace it. Overall a very merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

you guys are so undisciplined! santa would be wagging his finger at you! have you no self control?! can you not follow the rules?

and where do i sign up for such a fun, carefree way of doing presents? :)