Tuesday, December 05, 2006

One Day

One day:

- Sophie won't need to breastfeed anymore

- She won't need to sleep in her swing

- She won't just lay around, she will crawl

- She won't just crawl, she'll walk

- She won't nuzzle my chest when she is sleepy

- She won't cry for food, she will ask for it

- She won't need help opening doors

- She won't use water wings anymore

- She won't want me to kiss her in front of her friends

- She won't tell me her secrets

- She won't live at home anymore

- She won't be all mine anymore, she will have a husband to honor.

One day she will grow up. She is already growing up. I'm not ready for her to grow up. Nobody ever told me that part of being a mom was watching your heart outgrow her need for you.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel....
I see tiny babies andthe thought that goes through my head is that was Taylor last year at this time.I already miss my tiny baby he is getting too big way too fast.

Jodi said...

Just wait till she gives you that teenager glare. I am getting those and my oldest is only 11. Sheesh!

Take lots of pictures and capture many memories. You will love who she becomes and love even more being able to sit down with her and go through her baby pictures and talk about all the memories you have.

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Wow, that really tugs at my heart. Just wanted to say thanks for praying for the boys. Your Sophie is too adorable!