Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bad Blogger

The picture is of Sophie Grumpy Butt. That's the biggest smile we had all day practically. Notice there is not one. Nice.

Yeah- it's been a while. Sorry. Our church started a program to read the Bible in 90 days. It is awesome, I am thoroughly enjoying it, but it is taking up time I normally use to blog. Not much going on here... today we took down Christmas decorations, watched the Colts kick the snot of the Ravens*, and I went shopping with Momma. We also spent the day wondering why Sophie was such a grumpus. She screamed and hollered all day long. So tonight while we were at a graduation party for my friend Meagan I asked Momma if she would watch her for the evening and she graciously agreed. So tonight we'll play cards and laugh loudly and generally cause a ruckus that normally would be impossible.

* The game was amazing, as we won against all odds. Let me just say that the day we got rid of Vanderjagt (after his MISERABLE playoff game last year) was super, but the day we got Vinatieri was AWESOME. You might say he paid off, just a little bit. GO COLTS!!!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

even grumpy butt, she's still so cute. and i love that sweater on her.