Monday, January 22, 2007

Did I mention

that we are going to the Super Bowl?

And that we beat the Patriots.
It's still a great day in Indiana.


Patricia said...

uhmmm may i just tell you that the superbowl is about coming back in to the room when the commercials come on and then scurrying back out to get stuff done when the silly game comes back on?

i'm not sure who chris is rooting for, but i now secretly hope it's the bears, just so i can root for the colts in your honor.

5KidMom said...

My Dad lived in the Chicago area for 25 years, and I was born there. He is still a die hard fan. Since our Chargers didn't make it this year, we are kind of obligated to jump on the family bandwagon and root for the Bears. In truth, I will probably be much more interested in the commmercials and yummy snacks. 8^)

Best of luck!!