Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What We Do For Fun

We play cards... a lot. Mostly we play hand and foot (which is kind of like canasta) or our version of B.S., which we call Sinner. Sinner is very satisfying to yell across the room at someone- go ahead and try it, I'll wait.............................. there, wasn't that fun! The other night we were all playing and there was a brief interlude where we had to watch Rick shove mini-marshmallows up his nose. This came to pass after we downed about half a bag of them and he looks up and declares that he once fit 8 of them up his nose- 4 in each nostril. Now you can't just say that without backing it up, we just had to see it. And we did. And now you can too. Without further ado- I give you Rick the Marshmallow Master.

Yeah- that second one is kind of gross, but I have to tell you truthfully that I laughed until I was dangerously close to peeing on myself. He fit TEN marshmallows up his nose. He does NOT recommend doing this, for you more adventurous readers. When he was cleaning them all out he said he thought he had them all, then found one and a half MORE up there, and that it makes a sticky mess the rest of the night. I have to be honest too- I tried it. I couldn't even get 2. I can't even imagine 10. What a trooper. But he is right about the mess. It's awful.

Just for kicks- here is Sophie in her new swimsuit, preparing for our vacation in February.

And a picture of her with Aunt Sammy and Aunt Jada.


Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

That bathing suit is so adorable =-).

Patricia said...

dis. gus. ting!!!



5KidMom said...

Gross...just GROSS!!!!!!!!