Saturday, February 24, 2007

Gone Muddin'

Today Momma graciously agreed to watch Sophie for a few hours so that I could go mudding with Jacob and his best friend Ben. So we hauled out the 4-wheeler and took off to Ben's brothers house out in the country. When we got there, Ben realized he had forgotten his key back in town, so we loaded up and headed back, got his key and took off again. We had been trying to beat the rain, but didn't, so we went in the rain. We had already had a lot of moisture lately, so the mud was intense! We were covered in mud, shivering from the cold and happy from head to toe! When we got done we took off our outer layers in the garage, leaving me a little embarrassed in my long underwear. But I was more embarrassed when, after stopping to jump in a few puddles ( a favorite pastime) on the way to the truck, Jacob said "forgot your pants were white, huh?" Yeah, polka dotted undies showing through. Nice.


Tina said...

Last weekend after we played outside in the snow I came inside and put on white terry cloth capri pants and a cozy sweatshirt. Very Homie. Wasn't till Brad and Theresa and their kids AND Kasey's parents had stopped by that it dawned on me that I had blue/green stripe undees on. Looked in the mirror and sure enough, you could see straight through. I asked Kasey if he had noticed and he said, "yeah, but I didn't wanna tell you while everyone was here"...Geee thanks!

Patricia said...

ok you describe in great dirty detail all the mud that you played in and yet not one single pic of the mudsicle that was you and jacob.

bad. very bad.