Friday, February 23, 2007

A Quick Rant

Does this drive anyone else crazy? I get email's all the time that are addressed to like, fifty people. Why not blind carbon copy them so the whole world does not get my email address? It's actually happened before, someone I did not want to give my email to got it by looking at an email someone else sent. Just put the address in the bcc line for crying out loud!!! This drives me absolutely BONKERS! Am I the only one that feels this way?


Heidi Kellems said...

Or how about those emails it takes like 20 clicks just to read and it ends up being one of those pass it on to twenty people in the next 5 minutes and something wonderful will happen. Yes I also can't stand being on other peoples' lists because they spam me all the time.

Tina said...

Maybe you should do an e'mail literacy class for our church members. LOL :)
Hee Hee

Patricia said...

yeah i can't stand this, either. closely related is the e-mail that's been forwarded 112 times and you have to wade through all the old info just to read what is now all unformated from the millions of <<<< marks.