Wednesday, February 14, 2007


A few pictures that I don't feel like arranging.
- Daddy and Sophie in their matching hats. It's a losing battle, keeping camo out of the house. Ugh.
- Sophie's Valentine's Day outfit. Sometimes a girl just doesn't want her picture taken.
- Feet at the beach.
- Sophie at the beach.
- Us at the beach.
I figured out that I can post from home if I log on to Blogger by commenting on someone else's blog, so I just left a two word comment on a blog to sign in and post. That will get old, I have no doubt, for now it'll do though.

First off-
CONGRATULATIONS ANDREW! The tiny twins have certainly had the Lord's hand on them as they defeated all odds, and now Andrew is HOME with his Momma where he belongs, with Adam not to far behind. God is so good, GIVE HIM PRAISE!!!

Vacation was swell. We had such a great time hanging out with our little extended family. Despite several illnesses and pink eye all week, we managed to shop, see the ocean, feed the birds, go to the aquarium, shop, WATCH THE COLTS WIN THE SUPERBOWL, swim, sit in the hot tub, shop and generally have a fantastic time. I also got bit by both a duck and a seagull, which I thought was pretty cool. Good times. But now it's back to work, and I missed Sophie. Bad. She did so many cool things last week. She learned to reach for people she wants, she learned to stand up while supporting herself, she learned all kinds of things. She is just so fun to be with and to watch.

My friend Tina started her own blog while I was away. She is a genuinely nice person who I think the world of, and is raising 3 beautiful, well behaved boys, one of whom Sophie is quite enamored with, and the feeling is mutual.(Just a side note, when he says Sophie it sounds like Puppy.) Although, his 9 month old cousin was kissing on her at church tonight, so there might be a little love triangle in the nursery. Check out
her blog, you'll fall in love with her and her sweet personality.

Mom found the coolest c.d. for the kids and Sophie while we were away. The songs are catchy, silly and sometimes educational. I've been singing it all week. If you are interested, check that out
here. We got the Sea Tunes one, but I heard the Moose one playing and it was great too. I'll be buying more of these.

Sophie turns 6 months old tomorrow. There is not a single day that goes by that I don't thank God for giving me a healthy, happy baby. She makes my soul rejoice, that's the only way I can describe it. I am so blessed.

Valentine's Day is not our favorite holiday. It's just not that big of a deal to us. I got Jacob a card from me and one from Soph, and some chocolates just because they looked good. He brought home doughnuts this morning and a fistful of Valentine's day presents in the form of lottery tickets. We don't buy them often because they are usually just a waste of money, and true to form we only won 2 dollars back. Boo. But they are fun for a while (If I won $100,000, I would buy...).

I think that just about catches me up. I'm gonna go read, I'm several days behind on my 90 day Bible because on vacation I was basically a giant slug. Happy Love Day folks, hope it's a good one.


Tina said...

awe gosh, you're so sweet. But really, That little nephew of mine, Wyatt (a.k.a. porkchop), has no chance with Sophie. (although I love the guy dearly) She's already spoken for, we'll save you're next little angel girl for him. Love ya!

Perri said...

AHA! I wondered what prompted you to comment on my blog - now I know you are just using me.


I love those overalls!

5KidMom said...

I am so glad you figured out a way to get Blogger to cooperate so you can add pictures to your blog. I especially like the one of the feet on the beach. Very cool!!

The very first year I was married (I was just 19), my husband gave me Lottery tickets, a card and a small box of chocolates for Christmas. We had agreed on a $20 spending limit because we were so broke. For the first, and only time, I actually came out ahead that day. I won $22!! Yippee!!!

Patricia said...

can't keep camo out of the house - i don't know why, but this cracks me up. probably because it's you and not me. sorry.

i usually find feet fugly but that's a very artistic picture!

and the one of the two of you at the beach is beautiful. it looks like it should be in a commercial.

oh so you're a colts fan?

The Snipes said...

HI! It started out with me getting on Tina's new blog when she e-mailed about it. Then your mom commented on the one I have for Ethan & then I found yours.....small world uh?

Sophie is toooooooo cute! She's definately a miracle and testament to the power of prayer. You and Jacob are so blessed!

Glad you all had a great vacation!

Layne is doing really well. His e-mail is

The Snipes said...

It is a small world! Tina and I were really good friends in high
school...unfortunately we kind of went different ways in our "circle" of
friends, but I'm glad to be in contact with her again. She had sent an
e-mail with their new blog. I didn't know you all went to church

Well I don't have to tell you how darn adorable Sophie is!!!!!

I made V-Day cards and sent them to family. I asked Ethan what love
was...and it took a few attempts but that was finally his quote, and I put
that on his cards. I thought it was cute.

Layne seems to be doing well. We need to find him some church roots & a
good girl!!

I'm excited I can check on you guys & Sophie. They grow up sooo fast!

Emily said...

My New Years Goal was to do a blog for myself (not just Ethan)...I've finally caught up with it. So here is that link too!