Thursday, March 15, 2007

Great Day

Okay, so the other day I tried 3 times to post here, and every stinking time it deleted the post, the draft, everything. So I'm going to try again now.

Every day last week I had asked God that the next day He would send someone to me that would help with the education center, and every day He had been faithful to provide. I had hooked up with a woman to do breastfeeding classes, a woman to do CPR classes and someone to teach babysitting courses. Then Thursday God decided to totally shake things up.

In the morning I had a meeting with Community Marriage Builders to let them know what we were doing and to eventually arrange pre-marital counseling and marriage enrichment classes. That was all well and good, but it was really exciting when as I was leaving one of their instructors caught me and asked if I would be interested in hooking up with him on a youth counseling program his church is starting in Evansville. Of course the answer was "YES!!!". So that was super awesome.

Then, later that afternoon I had a meeting with Warrick Adult Literacy Counsel. I had been praying hard about this meeting, that good things would come of it, and God delivered in a HUGE way. First of all I got great news from one of the members from the Chamber of Commerce about contacting their members to let them know about our job center.
Then I got two boxes of adult literacy material from a local librarian. Then I got a free bookshelf. Then I got, which I still can not believe, probably over $1,000 dollars worth of textbooks, adult readers, English as Second Language material, GED preparation books, and job focused education books. I was so overwhelmed that I just got in the car and bawled for about 10 minutes. Sometimes God is just so close that it humbles me to the point that I can't even function. I was reminded of David, when in one of his Psalms he asked God to back off because His presence was just too much. (I have obviously paraphrased here!)
Then when I was already so high, God sent someone to send me to the moon. A lady whom I had been trying to get hold of had just happened to call the head of the literacy council. (She is in charge of teaching local GED and Adult Basic Education classes.)They told her that I had been attempting to contact her, and she called right away. Her phone had been acting up, but she was very interested in helping. She immediately offered to help teach me a program that I need to know, for free. She also offered to help out with English as Second Language classes. So I cried again when I got off the phone.

I'm going to be truthful and tell you that I have been discouraged about this whole deal in the past weeks. It is such a gigantic undertaking, and everyone expects me to be an educator, or a community leader, or a wealthy philanthropist. But I am none of those things. I am a middle class 23 year old without a bachelors degree and no reputation to speak of. I had even started to wonder if I was even supposed to be doing this, or if I had just misunderstood the message. Thursday God clarified for me that I am doing exactly what he instructed. Doors have been opened. I can't even number the times I just "happened" to meet the EXACT person I needed to know. Things that I never dreamed of being able to do on my own have been put into action because I have a God that is HUGE and ABLE to do ALL things. Even if all He has to work with is me!!!

So that was my great day. Of course later that night I paid for it because Satan just could not have the Kingdom of God advance so much in one day. He couldn't get to me, I was too into God, so he went at Sophie and she was up hurting and crying until about 1:30 in the morning. So I just prayed for her and read Scripture out loud to her, and eventually she went to sleep. I just wasn't going to let him ruin my day. So that is that. That was my awesome day. Just thought you all should know!


Perri said...
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Perri said...

I guess that sums it up.

Patricia said...

details. we're gonna need details.

Tina said...


Anonymous said...

As always I am so proud of you.
I don't know a lot about what you are trying to do or if this would fit in, but have you thought about a course on budgets?
Love you

Patricia said...

you are doing amazing things, andi! and God knew just who to use to get this program off the ground. i'm so glad things are coming together.

it is beyond beautiful to picture you sitting in the middle of the night, reading scripture to sophie to calm her. surely that must make God smile a lot.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andi, ive been following along with the progress of the outreach. i cannot believe (although ive always known) how incredibly sweet and sensitive you are. i feel as if i have benifitted from the outreach just by knowing the awesome motivation behind it. You might not be the best "candidate" but i can think of noone with better convictions and values to do such awesome work. your love will be felt by thousands and their children too. they may not know that you are the reason they can read or earn a GED, but surely the rewards will be great. no doubt that this is needed. With all the love and goodness, you cannot fail. love you all zac

Tina said...

You are awesome. Don't worry about the center so much. You are doing a great job and there is more yet to come. All of this is HIS plan and it will indeed all work out. HE's using you as his hands and arms and this community will be touched by HIM through your obedience. I'm praying for you (nerves, time, God to open doors for you, money to pour into this ministry, and for HIM to send the exact people HE wants to do the exact jobs you need people to do). Thank you for setting yourself apart to do this awesome work of God. P.S. I told your mom that if you ever need to be out at the building working we would love to keep Sophie for you. I can't get out there to do as much hands on work (painting etc) with all 3 of my boys but I'm ready and willing to do what I can. I love you!! Tina

VaQueenBee said...

That was very exciting, Andi. It's so cool how God answers our prayers and needs at just the right time!