Saturday, March 24, 2007

Home Again

Thank you all for your prayers while I was in the hospital. I honestly believe they did a world of good, as my leg went from being swollen around most of the back of it, to looking pretty dang good today, well, all things considered anyway. They sent me home with instructions to go back if I spiked a fever or it got painful again. It is great to be back with my family.

Thank you Mom, Tina and Heidi for watching Sophie while I was gone, and thank you everyone who visited. Since I was stuck in an isolation room, the nurses rarely came in unless they had to, and it got pretty lonely!! I did have time to finish my Bible in 90 days, so that was nice to get that done. It was a really rewarding thing to do, but whew! I'm glad to be starting a nice, sedate reading program again.

I wish I had pictures of my leg to show you all, but I don't, and honestly it wasn't all that cool. Just kind of creepy. I consider myself very lucky that my doctor sent me to the hospital and not home, where I would have just got worse. As it was, I did not ever even feel a bit sick, unless homesick counts!! I got to see Sophie a few times while I was there, but I had to wear gloves and a mask and couldn't kiss her or feel her skin, and worst of all I had to see her leave me behind. That was by far the worst part. Momma had brought be some pictures of her though, so I got to "see" her, and all the nurses oohed and aahed over her, as it should be.

For those of you that live around here, the doctor said that we are in a bit of a pandemic of MSRA, so I encourage you all to wash your cuts out well, and see the doctor if you suspect any sort of infection, especially if you have contact with a medical professional or anyone in the hospital. But mostly I would encourage dedicated hand washing . I usually just washed after using the restroom, but I will now be washing all the time!

My official diagnosis was Community Contracted MSRA, which progressed to cellulitis. Please read these over so that you know what to look for!

This picture is NOT me- it is some chick's arm, but it is the closest picture I could find to what my leg looked like. If you google cellulitis, it comes up with some pretty gruesome stuff. Mine was not severe.

Again, thank you all for every prayer you said, the result of all that prayer is that I am back with my family, where I belong!!


Tina said...

OK I'm so glad that you are home and well, but did you have to go and brag about being finished with your 90 day Bible???(geez, Over Achievers!) Just kiddin' good for you!! I've got 5 days to go. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
Love ya! Tina

MEAGAN said...

I'm so glad that you're back home, safe and sound! Let me know if you need anything!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to read you're home safe and sound. Glad you don't have a stump. Glad that we can still be friends.

Patricia said...

i'm so glad you are home and doing better!

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

So glad you are doing better, how scary!!