Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Listy Listerton

- I wasn't a good Christian in high school and therefore cussed like a sailor. When I was trying to quit I just substituted biscuits in for everything, like son of a biscuit. I still use it to this day.

- I also say "schnikes" and "well goodnight".

- I pick at my zits, even though I know I shouldn't.

- I have brown eyes, but have always wanted green.

- I also always wanted red hair, but it looks awful on me.

- My baby belly is not receding, and I have found that complaining about it doesn't help drop the pounds.

- I saw a shirt today that said "I'm on a thirty day diet and have already lost 15 days!". It
reminded me of me.

- I wore a watch today for the first time ever because it's what moms do.

- They also carry Kleenex, gum, nail clippers and band aids, but I'm not there yet.

- And I think of myself as still slightly rebellious because it is bright orange.

- I hate carpet, though I like the way it feels.

- I have always wanted to be good at football, but I have horrible reflexes.

- I don't always use the remote control.

- I have never watched Rocky, though I have been to the Rocky Horror Picture Show and had a

- I was a Spice Girl (Sporty Spice, to be exact) for Halloween when I was a freshman in high school.


Patricia said...

is schnikes a swear word? if not, i'm gonna need you to use it in a sentence, please.

i pretty much stopped wearing my watch (well when it died but i didn't replace it) when i got a cell phone. now i just look at that a hundred times a day. but i swear i'll buy a watch if it'll help me get preggers :D

so you get up and change the tv? i'm impressed!

is there a picture of andi spice? i'll pay good money for that.

VaQueenBee said...

Very interesting info on you Andi. I wore a watch before I was a mom, and I wear one now. As a matter of fact I wear a watch to bed because it is an Indiglo watch and I can push the button and have the face light up in the dark and scare my husband...no, I mean tell what time it is. I love Rocky movies (except 5 and I haven't seen the latest one), but I've never seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show..nor do I want to. ;o) I always use the remote! That's why my behind is so wide.

Anonymous said...

You're such an honest girl about the cussing! Yeh, still working on that one here. In high school I was a good girl...then college hit...

I can't picture you as a Spice Girl!

Trin said...

Andi - I say 'son of a biscuit' too, I also say "scooby-doo and batman too" I started this to help me not say cuss nasties in front of the kids and it really has worked. But now they think I really don't like Scooby-doo and Batman cause I say their names when I am really mad :)
I also say "schnikes" and Anakin and Stasia always laugh when I say it

5KidMom said...

I actually quit wearing a watch because it stressed me too much to think about how much time it took to get five kids to do anything. You know....la la la la la (with my eyes closed and ears plugged)....total denial.

I do have Kleenex and Band-aids in my purse (only since the kids got older, and are grossed out by using the inside of their shirts for tissues, or sucking on their scrapes). I still don't carry nail clippers or gum. I guess I still have a ways to go too. 8^)

Anonymous said...

I giggled out loud about the spice girl. These are great fun facts.

Oh, and about watches, I stopped wearing a watch once I became a mom. I was always afraid the back would scratch them since it seemed like I always had a kid all over me. Plus now I love not knowing the time, but I am normally late to everything. When I just gotta know the time I can always dig out the old cell phone from the bottom of my purse.