Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Tonight we took Sophie skating with the church. We put her in her stroller and around we went. Then off to Sonic for a drink and wouldn't you know, the hot doughnut light was on at Krispy Kreme, so we had a doughnut too. Gotta do something about all those calories we burned off, ya know? I'm sure I'll have pictures soon.

Sophie is going to spend the night with Aunt Jada and Uncle Ben on Saturday. They invited her over, kind of like a baby "test run". They all love each other enormously, so I am sure they will have a good time. Jacob and I are going to use the time to go on date. Like with make-up and a dress sort of date. That should be a lot of fun too! Maybe we'll go see a movie as well, you just never know with wild kids like us.

I think it's time to post PATRICIA'S JOKE OF THE DAY:

Me walking tomorrow. HA- Funny.


Perri said...

Well, we've been home about 3 hours and my knees are sore - but other than that, I'm feeling OK. I think I'll take some (more) Ibuprofen and go to bed.

Thanks for skating with me.

Patricia said...

so uhmmm... the joke about you walking... errr... is that because of the skating - or the date? wink wink

i hope you had a wonderful evening!

Anonymous said...

This skating adventure sounded fun! Have a good date this weekend. We're having a "date night" too!!