Sunday, March 04, 2007

What a week!

I had a really wretched week. I mean one of those weeks that just really stinks from just about beginning to end. Just stress and crap at work, fussy baby who doesn't sleep, with a grand finale on Saturday of puking all day from the stomach flu. But today has been good. Still a fussy baby, but oh well, right? But we're starting a new week tomorrow, and it's gonna be better. I just know that I had that bad week because Jacob's sister was having her birthday party in a bar Saturday night, and Satan really wanted me to go drinking. And I didn't. Not that I am much of a drinker but sometimes just having a few drinks and going dancing is a good time. Jacob and I stopped drinking though, and his family are the last people we need to drink around. But boy, I REALLY wanted a Tom Collins. Maybe 2. We didn't even go, partly because I was puking, but even before then we had called in our regrets. Now maybe we'll have a better week, temptation behind me.

On the bright side, I got a donation of 350 dollars for the Literacy Center. I have to come up with a name for it. I'm considering something along the lines of Seekers, but it just occurred to me that is also the name of a local coffee shop, Dang. The definition is perfect for what we are doing though:

1. try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "
[v] go to or towards; "a liquid seeks its own level"
[v] try to get or reach; [v] make an effort or attempt

Any ideas????


Anonymous said...

I don't know how well this is thought out, but, depending on your vision of how the place is set up, it could be something like "The Seek and You Shall Find Spot"? It's biblical AND has the word "seek" in it. See Spot Run is one of the first books children read, ummm...I'm slap happy and being dumb right now. Maybe I'll open my brain up in the morning and come up with some more ideas...maybe I can pick your brain and find out how you imagine it and help come up with something. I'll add that to my prayers tonight. I do hope your week is better and I'm glad you avoided your temptation this past week. Bless you...

Patricia said...

well that does sound like a big ol' craptastic week.

is your literacy group church based? if so, there are so many fun possibilities.
Our Daily Read?
nah, i'd totally be craving carbs the whole time.

i hope sophie unfusses for you very soon. here's to a much, much better week.

Anonymous said...

How about Adults who would like to read good, and would like to learn how to do other things good too?

On a more serious note, I've been drowning in Ralph Waldo Emerson books for the past week. I ran across this quote... "Be an opener of doors." I thought that might be nice. I mean I'm not saying name your group "Openers" or anything, but I think that's a lovely jumping off spot... and a lovely mission statement as well.

On yet another side note, are you working with the other Adult literacy organizations in the area? I know Warrick County Adult Literacy Committee works with the public library and Southwest Indiana Network for Education (SINE)gives large grants to that organization to help them buy projectors and other such materials. I think it would be beneficial to your group if you got plugged into WCAL instead of competing with them. I don't know if you even knew about this group. It's my responsibility as an English Educator to be up to date on these programs in the community.

Ok, hope that helps.


Andi said...


I am a card carrying member of WALC (well, I would be
if they had cards). They are fully supporting the
Literacy Center and have been an awesome resource and
sounding board for everything I've done so far. As for SINE, I have been in touch with them as well, but I'm not far enough into the process to start requesting grants yet. Big yet!

Yes, this is a church funded program, though it has not generated nearly the interest as the Women's
Clinic or Food Bank has, even though it is in the same building. Go figure. But I think it being in the same building will bring in a lot of clients that will need the services we will be providing.

Anonymous said...

First - I had to change my family to due to a oops!!

Second - your project sounds really interesting!! How did all that get started?

Third - Seekers in E'ville closed. And I like that name!

Fourth - Don't have a baby is sooo cute :)

Anonymous said...

Oops again! Imagine that? Ok try this link....