Saturday, April 07, 2007

1/5 of 100

Well I had forgotten until Mom listed hers that I was also tagged by Mandy. 100 things about me. I'm going to easy ease myself into this- 20 at at time I think is good. I'm not going to tag anyone else- just if the fancy strikes you let me know.

1. From my sternum to the edge of my fingers is exactly 3 feet. I'm not sure why I know this, but it often comes in handy.

2. I miss football season.

3. I have a tattoo.

4. I wear size 11 shoes.

5. I lost a bet as a senior and had to try out for cheer leading. Much to my dismay, I made it. And my mom graciously allowed me to quit.

6. I love to sing, and often do. Notice there is no mention of singing well made here.

7. I went to a different church than my family for several years after high school. I sat in the old lady Amen Corner and helped them with their walkers. It was nice.

8. If we would adopt, we would like to adopt a non-white child, but it would be hard for them to fit it around here.

9. I love candy bars. Snickers, Kit Kats, Fast Breaks, Hershey bars, Almond Joy, and my personal favorite, Cadbury Fruit and Nut, you name it, I love it. Unless it has white chocolate. Blech.

10. I desperately want my brothers and sisters to remember me as being a fun older sister, not someone so much older that they didn't know me.

11. I am enormously proud of my husband. I am lucky to be his wife. Plus he's really hot.

12. I hurt myself a lot because I play hard. A little too hard, perhaps.

13. I was once offered free Lasik surgery for my eyes, but I was too afraid to take it. Still am. Seeing badly is better than not seeing at all.

14. I am a big weenie.

15. I would love to bungee jump, and would in a heartbeat if I had the chance. Sometimes I am not a weenie.

16. If I didn't ever have to look professional or classy, I would have a lot more tattoos. And piercings. And my hair would be fire engine red.

17. I have hated my hair 95% of my life. Including now.

18. I like beach vacations.

19. I love pretty gardens, but can't seem to establish one. Life gets in the way of gardening.

20. I don't drink a lot of cokes. Or for you northerners, pop, soda or colas. Around here it is all coke.

This was hard. Coming up with 80 more may be more difficult than I previously imagined. I would just tell you to ask questions, but that didn't work out so well for Patricia, so maybe not.


Perri said...

You and Big Guy are THE ABSOLUTE BEST big sister and brother in the world. There is no way they will ever remember anything except all the great memories you have both made for them.

You two are such a great influence on them (with a few minor exceptions) and I'm very blessed they have you to model themselves after.

Anonymous said...

You have a tattoo??? No way would I have ever guessed that. What is it & where? (If you want to share)

The cake you made is impressive by the way. I met with Susan on Friday and dropped off some materials for the clinic. I'll e-mail you tomorrow. Have a nice Easter with your family.

Anonymous said...

Andi, You are the funniest, coolest, dorkiest, most awesome, loving, kind, caring and pretty much perfect sister I've ever seen.

We have fun with you when we make pinatas, bake cookies and cakes, dye Easter eggs, fly kites, go to the park, watch movies, play games and play with Sophie. I could just go on and on just describing how great you are and how much fun we have together. You never get mad at us and you are so patient with us.

You are such a great sister and I feel like I'm the luckiest kid in the world to be your brother. Thank you for helping me with my math, Mrs. Andi. I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.

Your dorky little brother,

Mom typed this for me - that's why it's all spelled right :)

Patricia said...

ohhh man. more waterworks. what a sweet note from jacob.

you measured sternum to fingertips. what made you do that?

can't stand football. have we seen the tatoo??? bonus of bigger feet: no one asks to borrow your shoes. are there pictures of you as a cheerleader? please please please tell me there are. i can't sing either. at. all. adopting. as if there isn't so much already involved... add to it people's openness and acceptance. i understand what you're saying. (as much as i can.) wow, tats, piercings and red hair. you are wild! who's hair would you want? like a celebrity i mean. the “coke” thing always cracks me up. pepsi must be mad.

again, great list. and whatta ya know, i snuck in a question or two. but this is unofficial. i shall get to your questions soon.