Monday, April 30, 2007

A few great things

So, I took another pregnancy test, just to be sure, because I still feel so dang good. It was positive too, so I guess I'll just knock on wood that I stay feeling so well. Just a bit dizzy now and then, that's it. It is great!

A man called about the Jeep today, he is going to look at it tomorrow. I really hope it sells, the money we would make off of it would take care of ALL the gas bill and almost, if not ALL of the hospital bill, which would be great.

I am meeting with my friend Emily today about my new job. I am very excited to learn more about it and if it all works out well, that would be great.

We cleaned the house a bit over the weekend, took a bunch of boxes out of the living room to the Education Center (yay!) and cleaned out the Jeep. They all look great! Especially the Center, it is all painted, the carpets are cleaned, the tile is laid and it is almost ready to "move in". GREAT!
(Even though, I've got to tell you, I am a little daunted about starting it up with 2 babies, I'm going to have to be a better delegater to get this going. Andi and delegation= not great)
The picture is of Dad cleaning with Sophie in her carrier that she is finally big enough for. They both liked it a lot.

My Bible Study on Saturday mornings is over, and it was great, but not having to be at church at 8:30 in the morning is great too.

Looks like I've got no complaints here. God has been great to me!


Anonymous said...

It was good to meet with ya! Sorry my little guy wasn't as cooperative had I'd hoped! Maybe next time if Sophie is there he'll be more entertained & less in a cheerios stomping mood :)

Patricia said...

sounds like a productive, busy weekend.

maybe you could put a dustwand in sophie's hand and she could help from the carrier.

i'm praying the jeep sells quickly!

Anonymous said...

God is good, all the time :)