Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A New Language?

Tonight a guy that used to attend our church came back from the mission field to tell about a new mission he was undertaking that could take over 20 years! It was really impressive to see his dedication, he is younger than me even! On the way home Wes-Man and Ryan were riding with me and I was explaining to them about him having to go learn a new language and so on and the discussion turned to languages. We talked for a few minutes when Wes chimed in with this question: "Andi, do people speak in cursive?" It was all I could do to keep a straight face and answer!


Patricia said...

i give you lots of credit there. i'da had a hard time not busting a gut and probably making him feel awful. those first figuring-it-out kind of questions are so cool!

Courtney said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Andi! Steal that poem's actually part of a song written by Sandra Boynton and Michael Ford and sung by Alison Kraus. If you don't have any of Boynton's books for Sophie, you MUST! They are so adorable. She also has three different albums for kids/babies and "Evermore" is from Dog Train. I completely recommend them. We have all three (though Philadelphia Chickens is our favorite). DS loves them and DH and I think they're hysterical. You can see them here:
(The list price is astronomical, but my mom and I found them at a Scholastic Bookfair half off or Kohl's had them for $5 each.)

Tina said...

Kids say the darndest things. On Bill's birthday Ryan told Kasey that it was his dad's b-day. Kasey asked how old he was turning and Ryan said 100. (as serious as can be) So cute!

Jennifer said...

That is a great kid story! (You know I am partial to those kinds of posts!)