Monday, April 23, 2007

This is going to take forever at this rate

31. I hate shaving my legs.

32. But I shave under my arms every day.

33. I have been trying to surprise my husband for almost 8 years and every time he figures it out and ruins it, usually by accident. It drives me bonkers.

34. I 'm not big on passive-aggressive attitudes.

35. I love roller coasters. The wilder the better. But things that go in circles make me puke. Especially the swings. In fact, just thinking about it I puked a little and had to swallow it.

36. I would never want a big house because I don't like to clean.

37. I am still trying to lose most of my "baby fat".

38. I do not enjoy driving.

39. My home is very eclectic, and it drives some people crazy that nothing really "goes together".

40. Dandruff shampoo gives me dandruff.

41. I don't really heart my skin. It's not the greatest, but could be much worse.

42. I was a life guard in high school. It was an easy job that gave me a great tan. Can't ask for much more than that in high school.

43. The soles of my feet and the insides of my ears peel in spring and fall and I'm not sure why, but they do just like clockwork.

44. I tend to want to act out at funerals and weddings. Again, not sure why.

45. I am not going to have a funeral, and neither is Jacob. We are all about the cremation/memorial service. Jacob even said he wanted his memorial service to be a BBQ.

46. I wish I were more graceful.

47. I am glad I am tall. (5'9"-5'10" ish)

48. I love the smell of coffee, but think it tastes like butt.

49. I don't really know what butt tastes like, but I am sure it is comparable to coffee.

50. I can't believe I am only half way there.

51. Just to get past halfway- I don't deal well with false modesty- be modest or be proud, but pick one and go with it.


Jodi said...

I love the smell of coffee too but agree it tastes horrible. Coffee candy is good though. :)

Perri said...

33 grosses me out - even though I know you were kidding, I'm grossed out!

MEAGAN said...

Dandruff shampoo gives me dandruff also. How strange!

Courtney said...

Yeah, I'm with you on 48 and 49.

Heidi Kellems said...

In response to 45....Larry says he wants a HUGE neon sign that says NOW SHOWING!!!