Monday, April 02, 2007

While I was in the hospital, a number of friends very graciously agreed to watch Sophie for me while Jacob was asleep, including my friend Tina. Now Tina and her husband are rabid IU fans, and our family, as you all know, loathe moderately dislike IU. So you can imagine my dismay at this horrible breach of trust, as evidenced HERE

Well, I have since remedied this horror:
And I also "found" this very nice picture of Tina and her family, sporting brand spanking new temporary tattoos. Make sure you mention how much you like this picture next time you see her.
I've gotta tell you, I'm feeling pretty good now.


Tina said...

That's hilarious! You're pretty good. Kasey would like me to clarify however that he is NO LONGER an IU fan (via the whole Bobby Knight episode...he's now a "rabid" Texas Tech fan) It was however his idea for Sophie to sport the IU sportswear. He just loves you all THAT much. hee hee hee. P.S. I still think she looks good in IU red.

Anonymous said...

Andi, I'm so proud of you. You do a mom's heart good. I'm emailing this picture to Coack K and maybe they will use them in some ad campaign next year!


Anonymous said...

I'm so disappointed in you. I thought you would use your talents for good, not evil.

And for the record... we IU fans are ALLOWING you to live in Indiana. Normally we would shuuuuuuunnnnnnn the non-believer. Shuuuuuuunnnnnnn. But, your young child still has hope, so we allow you to stay here, for her sake. Hopefully she'll understand that IU is really what's best for her soon enough.


Anonymous said...

You both are hilarious. Andi, You are talented!!!!
Amy W.

Patricia said...

hehe, very funny. still the wrong colors, but funny as can be!

Anonymous said...

Cute Andi! I think she looks pretty good in red though!!! Whether it be Raiders or Hoosiers!!!