Monday, June 18, 2007

Prayer Requests

I am back on bed rest for the time being. I have an appointment later today to check things out again. Please join me in praying that all is still well.

But the real reason for this post....

There is a family in Boonville who just lost their son, he was three. He was riding in a bulldozer with his father (who owns an excavating company) when they hit a rock, throwing him against the door latch, opening the door and allowing him to fall onto the dozer tracks. They pulled him under, killing him instantly. The dad, to say the least, is beyond distraught. Please keep this family in their prayers, that they would hold together, that Christ would give them all the love and comfort they will need, and that the dad will be able to forgive himself for what truly was just a horrible accident. Also, that he might be able to continue with his work, or find something else that can support his wife and two remaining children. This has affected our community in a personal and emotional way, and our thoughts and prayers are with them continually. Please agree with us in prayer for this family.


Patricia said...

your mom shared this with me and there are no words...

the family will be in my prayers from now on.

and i pray you get get news at the doctor, too.

Tina said...

Hope you're feeling better today. Do you need anything?? Please let us know if there's something we can do for you.
My heart aches for the Gourley family. This is the fourth little one that our area has lost this summer. (really summer hasn't even started yet) It's so scary how fast some freak accident can happen. I'm still thanking God for protecting Owen during our scary time of him wondering out of the back yard. It makes me ill to think of what could have happened to my little baby. I love him so I'm sure they love their little guy. None of us will ever understand, thank God we don't have to understand. We just somehow keep going one day at a time.