Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The new baby girl name is......


We think.

Kyla ______.

No middle name yet, but we are open to suggestions. So the new nickname is Keela. Naming babies is hard! J-Mom, how on earth did you manage to come up with three at once?!


Patricia said...



as for middle names, hmmmm. since sophie already has the best middle name, in my opinion, you're right, this is hard. knowing your last name helps so with the whole name in mind, here's a list to start the vetoes rolling :)

payton (heh)

Perri said...

Patricia - jo is Andi's middle name. Ruth is his sister. Carly's middle name is Beth, Wesley's is Peyton.

You picked some good ones!

Jodi said...

Very pretty!

Heidi Kellems said...

It's hard if you are going to go by meaning. Kyla means Narrow...
I think Faith is a pretty middle name. But Narrow Faith doesn't seem like an appropriate name. I will think about this for a bit.

MEAGAN said...

I like Marie or Elizabeth the best so far. Good luck... at least you have a few more months to finalize it!

Mandy said...

How about Reagan.... I babysat a little girl named that once and I loved it...

"The meaning of the name Reagan is Little King

The origin of the name Reagan is Celtic/Gaelic"

I know it means little king but it also said it's gender neutral.

Kayla Reagan... it has a nice ring to it!

Fatcat said...

I like Grace. I think it goes well with Kyla. ;-)