Saturday, July 07, 2007

Please join us in prayer for a very dear family member who has just had a miscarriage. She and her husband have been trying for a long time to have a child, and will no doubt succeed soon, but still a blow like this is devastating to anyone. We saw her today and she is coping, in fact today I was the emotional mess and she was relatively calm. We had such plans of having babies together, and now I am afraid that every time she sees me it will be a reminder of her terrible, terrible loss. Not to mention bringing to mind that life is so fragile, be it before or after birth. Please pray fervently for her emotional healing, that our relationship would remain without strain because of this and that she soon may conceive again.


Staci said...

I am so so sorry to hear this news! Believe me, I know their pain well and will be praying very hard for them!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of the baby. I hope they can find peace, physical and emotional healing, and know that God has a reason for everything that happens.

Patricia said...

no surprise, this had me sobbing instantly. i will pray for them. i cannot fathom the pain and disappointment. i hope that God brings them peace.

Linda said...

I will keep this family in my prayers. I totally understand how she feels I have lost 3 little ones. I have been in your shoes too. I was pregnant with our 3rd child and had to attend the funeral of a little boy who died in child birth. The parents were in our sunday school class and I certainly had the same concerns you do. I will pray for you too.

Anonymous said...

I will definitely keep this family in my prayers. I can't imagine experiencing this type of loss...