Thursday, July 12, 2007

Random Sophieness (With some Keela for good measure)

This past few weeks Soph has really decided to learn new things. She now can: blow kisses, say bye bye and wave with appropriate timing, mimic noises (sort of.... Moo is Mmmmmm etc...), dance like a wild thing and stand, though briefly, on her own. She also has decided that books are really her thing, so we spend a lot of time looking at books, though she has her own ideas about what page we should be on and when we should be there.

Jacob and I have bought her most of our favorite books from when we were kids. For Jacob that means lots of Sandra Boynton books, for me it means "The Monster at the End of This Book", which my grandmama used to read to me every time I saw her. Even now when I read it to Soph it reminds me of growing up around her house and the way SHE read it, which to me seems like the right way and I can't ever get it right. We also were given before Soph was born a book that is special to my good friend Sam, whose Nana used to read it to her. She searched high and low for a copy of it, just for it to very recently be re-released, much to her chagrin I am sure. Soph likes this one because it has bright colors, Never Tease a Weasel.

Soph is finally heavy enough for her "big girl" car seat, which makes me happy and sad. I'm sure you all understand. She looks so small in it, probably because she looked so huge in her old one. I've tried to explain that soon there will be a new, tiny baby in her old seat, but you know how explaining things to a 11 month old can be.

Plans have begun for her first birthday. We are not having a big party, just very immediate family and very few, closer than family sort of friends. It's hard to believe she will be one so soon, and I'm not going to dwell on that now because it will make me cry.

I think I maybe felt Keela today. She (which is how I commonly refer to her) was punching Sophie back, which she certainly had every right to do, as Soph was beaning her in the head. I'm far enough along that any old time now I should feel her move, so we'll see if that was really it or not.

I have an OB appointment on Monday. I'm sure from there we will schedule an ultrasound to find out if Keela IS a she, or if I am wrong once again.

Well I'm off to bed- I'll catch up with you all soon,


MEAGAN said...

Never tease a weasel, not even once or twice, because a weasel will not like it, and teasing isn't nice. Ah, words to live by. Tell Soph it's my favorite book too.

Patricia said...

all the transitions going on. from quiet to talking. from crawling to walking. from small seats to big, and yet you're starting all over at the same time. very cool. :)

Fatcat said...

I love Sandra Boyton too! If you get a chance, check out her 2 CDs, Phildelphia Chickens and Dog Train. My kids who are 9 and 10 still love them!