Saturday, July 07, 2007

Fo some reason I can't add a title to any new post. Any idea how to fix that?

We took all the kids and Soph to my dad's the other day to swim. We all had a great time, including Sophie, who took it as an occasion to not nap for almost the entire day.

Here is a pic of everyone in the pool. Dad called Wes and Ryan the "Toad Men" all day because of their massive goggles.

Sophie in the lobster float, which is a big hit for all ages. Still no nap- but yawning was evident by this time.

Snack break. Dad gave Sophie a whole ice cream cone after she had already chowed down not one, but two brownies. She was in heaven. Still no nap and we went back to the pool.

Then finally, in the least of all places you would think... nap time. She fell asleep while Ryan was pushing her around. It was hysterical!


JamieLynn said...

how adorable that she fell asleep in her floatie tube!

I had the same issue with titles, but if you let your mouse hover at the very left corner of the title box, it will show the little bracket thing. The, you click quickly and it will produce a cursor in the box. Ay yi yi, I know, but it worked for me!

Patricia said...

those pictures are so great. and may i just say... the one where she's in the lobster float? was that after the sugar high? 'cause i swear she looks a little tipsy in that photo!

and the one of her snoozing is, of course, beyond adorable.