Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Back Home

First, if you have not read my momma's blog today- please read these posts for a quick catch up.

1 & 2.

Then let me move on to assure you all that I really am fine. I've made a call into my regular OB to follow up today and we'll see what he says. I can't tell you that I was not scared, I was. I was way too far from home, without my husband, having what I can only describe as the worst cramps I have ever had- ever. Endometriosis and all- these were by far the worst. And I did feel a little stupid having to explain how this is my second child and I had no clue what a contraction felt like. But for those of you that don't know, I was induced with Sophie about 3 weeks early for low fluid levels, among other growth problems. I had never had a contraction, not even a fake one. They were SWAMPED at the birthing center the day I had Sophie, so I got my epidural much earlier than normal- before any contractions started. So I was, and still am, clueless as to what one would really feel like, but now I know last night was not it. Thank you, Lord.

I'm so glad to be home. Jacob surprised me by having the house all cleaned and the backyard weeded, well most of it. It seems that right at the stopping point in the yard resides a large, underground hornet nest that he unwittingly disturbed in is weeding fervor. Yikes! Luckily he only got stung once, which is awful, but if you have these things where you live, then you know how lucky he really was. Just the thought of him out there in the 98 degree weather doing something he hates, without being asked, just because he knows it will make me happy- well all I can say is that I am head over heels in love with that man, and always will be.


The Snipes said...

I'm so thankful all is well....what an event!! Rest. Put your feet up. Hug Sophie.

Jennifer said...

SO glad you are OK!

Staci said...

First of all, I am so so happy that you are ok!! And second...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

VaQueenBee said...

I'm thankful that you are okay! What a trip! Jacob was sweet to get all of that stuff done, too!

I really came over here thought to with you a

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you're having a great day!

JamieLynn said...

so glad all is well and you are back home safe!

Melene@Sing For Joy said...

Happy Birthday! Glad you are better and you are so blessed with a wonderful husband and family!