Thursday, August 16, 2007

The birthday fun is definitely over

as today, Sophie had to go get her 1 year vaccinations. I despise these things- they scare me to death. All I seem to be able to do is scour over the section of the information sheet that says "moderate to severe reactions" and pray to God that Sophie has better than 1 in 1,000 luck. (Or 3,000, or 30,000 depending on the reaction.) When she was born I thought very seriously about not having her vaccinated, but eventually decided to go ahead and do it. I cried the whole time the first few times she got them, so unsure I was doing the right thing.

Today, was the dreaded MMR shot, the one I have been the most nervous about. The list of side effects was lengthy and scary beyond belief, from things as innocent as a fever to seizures, autism and deafness. And death. Can't forget that one. But as scary as the list is, I am not nearly as worried about it as I was the first time she got her shots. In fact, it's not that bad. As big and bad as that list is- my God is infinitely bigger. That's all I need to know.

I'm thinking that this may turn out to be a controversial post, feelings about vaccines are all over the board, with opinions being strong and heartfelt. Should you disagree with me on having Sophie vaccinated, feel free to say so. You won't be saying anything that I haven't already told myself. If you think that vaccines are a harmless childhood rite of passage, that's cool, too. Every mother knows what is best for her family, and I dig that.

For now, I'm just hoping my little girl has a good day.


The Snipes said...

Sounds to me that you made an educated & heartfelt decision. Informed is always matter what you end up choosing to do.

(Happy late Birthday to the sweet girl!)

Peggy said...

My 3 daughters are grown and moms now but they had all the shots they were suppose to and no problems until my youngest daughter. She was allergic to the pertussion in the DPT. Caused her to have fever and seizures. Only she didn't have them until 2 days after each shot so it took 3 before they finally figured it out. She had to take phenobarb and dilatin till she was 5 and then it took a year to wing her off the drugs. If I had it to do over again I am not sure I would let them have the shots but then I think of what could happen if they didn't and I second guess myself. I am so glad I through those decissions. You just follow your heart and you will make the right decisions for Sophie.

Courtney said...

The MMR is the one that makes me nervous too. We decided to delay it until he's older (along with chicken pox). I'm happy with that decision; it's a middle ground between vaccinating and refusing. :-)