Sunday, August 05, 2007

Going to Indy

Sophie and I are going to Indy for a few days with Momma and the kids for Ryan's "procedure". We are leaving tomorrow after I get off work. I'm excited to go hang out with everyone for a few days and hopefully relax some, but the fact that I am going to be away from Jacob so long is hard for me. Even though it is just for a few days, he truly is my favorite person to be around and I HATE being away from him, even for a little while. I'm a baby, what can I say? Couple that with the fact that Sophie is such a daddy's girl, it should be interesting to say the least!

I've asked Jacob to blog in my absence, but we'll just have to see if he follows through. I just got a grunt in response, I'm not sure what exactly that meant.

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