Friday, August 10, 2007

Sickly Sophie

So Sophie, after all her fussing last night, ended the evening in a grand crescendo of projectile vomit. If you haven't had a bath of puked up green beans lately, good deal! Today she seems to be feeling better, but she has puked three out of the last four nights, but maybe tonight is THE NIGHT- the puke free night of freedom and happiness. Not the case for Momma's house, where both she and little Jacob have contracted the creeping crud. You know our philosophy around here- share the fun! So should you see us around town, consider giving us wide berth. Maybe even scream "unclean, unclean." I would understand.


Perri said...

Now you can add Ryan to the unclean bunch. Totally grossness.

Perri said...

And Wes.

And Carly.

Patricia said...

wow. all kinds of fun. hope it's cleared by now, as i catch up.