Monday, August 13, 2007

Walkie Talkie

That pretty much describes Sophie the last few days- walkie talkie. She has decided that this whole walking business really isn't so bad, as long as she isn't in a hurry. Then walking really cramps her style. But for little strolls and short jaunts around the house, walking is A-Okay with her. And should the need arise that she wants to carry something with her, no problem! She just drops down to her knees and walks that way, so that her balance is good enough to hold something at the same time. It is pretty dang funny. And talking. My goodness that girl has stared to babble. She just has little "conversations" with everyone about everything. Fun, fun, fun.

On the home front, I think (I say, crossing my fingers and knocking on wood, while praying fervently) that the illness of doom has left our household. Unfortunately, it found the households of many of our friends, and I feel kind of guilty. I mean sure- they could have gotten it somewhere else, but to all of you that are sick, we apologize profusely and hope you are all well soon.

I had my 20 weeks appointment today, which consisted of a full minute and a half of doctor time after about 45 minutes of waiting time. That just kills me. The nurse did tell me that I had low blood pressure, but that there was not much we could do (other than pass out- HA!). I've just taken this to mean that God wants me to eat more bacon. Who am I to argue with The Man?

I've really started into my second job as the abstinence mentor this week, and the more I get done the more I think I can do this without much additional stress, and the extra money will be great. More than great. Really, really great. I know most of you feel me here.

Sammy- this is for you, but you probably saw it already.... I hope you feel better soon. And you Meg. And Mike. And Jada. And Ben. And West. Sorry guys. Hope this makes you laugh.


Perri said...

Although it wasn't for me - it made me laugh.

MEAGAN said...

Sam, Mom, and I decided that Sophie's goodbye kisses on Sat. were kisses of doom and destruction. But that's okay, it's just a good thing she's so darn cute! :o) And the cartoon was funny, it made me snort a little.

The Snipes said...

Although "abstainance mentor" is a great title (even spelled wrong!) - you're really a "program coordinator." And I am VERY glad it's going well!!!

Andi said...

abstinence- yeah, sometimes spell check is NOT my friend!