Saturday, August 11, 2007

Yet another good evening gone awry...

We had a wonderful time with our friends tonight as we celebrated "back to school" for Jada and Sam. Mike and Meagan had everyone over for a cookout and we played Frisbee, ladder golf, catch phrase, had a watermelon eating contest and had a great time in general. I have to say, that despite my intentions to win the eating contest, I put on a fairly poor show. Though in my defense- my watermelon piece was much larger than most of the others (especially Jacob's, the winner). Sophie was easy to please all evening, playing on a blanket, gnawing on some watermelon and basically being adorable all night. Life was good... so we thought.

You guessed it, the virus of doom strikes again. Jacob is, as I type, in the bathroom turning his stomach inside out. As much as I would love to go check on him, I can't. Not because I physically can't, but because he does NOT like to be touched, spoken to or otherwise bothered when he is ill. A self sufficient sort of guy, in the sickness department. So here I sit, listening to the sound of heaving, pretending all is well. I hope none of our friends get this, but frankly it seems inevitable. It doesn't appear to take much contact at all to contract this illness, and Jacob felt fine most of the night, which is actually a bummer for everyone we spent the evening with. So guys, if you get this from him, we are very, truly sorry! I just really hope that you can only get it once, because I would really hate to have Sophie get it again when we just had our first puke free night in several days.

Meg took tons of pictures and promised to mail me some that I can post, or you can simply check out HER very amusing and engaging blog, where I am sure they will be soon, as she is frequent poster.

I'm gonna go to bed now. My stomach is feeling queasy, but it's probably just from listening to Jacob. Nothing quite like a puker to make you want to puke.
Edited to add: Sophie did not start throwing up, instead it decided to come out the other end. So today instead of going to church I'll be home with my sickly family. Luckily Sophie is still in a good mood, which will make the day much more enjoyable I am sure!
Edited yet again to add: I think I should be awarded the crummiest mother of the year, as when Sophie woke up today she was covered in mosquito bites. I thought I had done such a good job keeping them off of her, and I was wrong, wrong, wrong. She has several on her face (as do I, so at least we match) which will be just lovely for her birthday pictures.


MEAGAN said...

I hope you guys are feeling better! Sorry Soph got so eaten up last night :o( Hopefully they clear up before next weekend!

Patricia said...

yikes. puking and pooping and bugbites. the fun never ends! i hope you are staying well through all this.