Monday, September 03, 2007

Close, but no cigar

Jacob has worked nights for about three years. I hate this. No matter how "used to it" I should be- I am not. I hate him not being here at night, and I always will. Recently he was offered a job that would have been on DAYS! Days, after so many years of nights! I was so stinking excited I could have just peed (really, not just a saying for me).

But, then came the downside, a pay cut. A rather largish (okay, a really big) pay cut. Ugh. So we prayed about it for a few days, both of us torn between what we wanted (day shift, more time at home, flexible job) and what we had now (money, a life, etc...). It was like a tug of war between faith in God's providence and being a good steward of what we had already. What we wanted vs. fiscal responsibility. In the end, the money won. It was just too much to lose with a baby on the way and us still paying the hospital for my leg rot. The only bad thing is that now that I had that glimmer of hope of having him at home, and it makes it even harder now when he leaves at night, like I have to try to adjust all over again. One day this will change, I'm sure. Until then though, I don't have to like it. I just have to live with it.


Patricia said...

i'm sure it was a hard decision. and it sounds like you made the right one for your family right now.

having been in a similar situation for a long time, i can say that i know it stinks. like really bad garbage on a hot day.

i hope the opportunity for better hours at better pay comes along again before long.

Valerie Swartz said...

tommy has been on day shift now for almost 3 months. It has been nice, but honestly I am ready for our lives to get back on the schedule it once was on. Don't get me wrong I love for him to be home a night, but here lately as soon as he gets home he is ready to crash. At first we loved it but now we are ready to have him back during the day time. we have more fun. Man i never thought I would say I like night shift better, but for a toyota shift I do.
hope it helps to have someone say they like night shift better;-)