Saturday, September 08, 2007

Little of this, little of that...

Hey Momma, wanna pick me up?

All tuckered out from a big day.

Sophie developed the infamous Fifth Disease Rash last night. Today it is much more pronounced. It's a bummer, I really thought we were in the clear. Very clearly, I was mistaken.

I entered a contest that I thought a few of you may be interested in. I found it through a commenter's blog (nice to meet you ellinghouse). It's for a free Rocking Baby sling from Adventures in Babywearing. Thought I would give it a shot. I always wanted to try babywearing with Sophie, and we had a baby carrier, but it was only good for so long before it made me sore, or her cranky. The other slings and such were so dang expensive that I never got one. In fact, if I don't win this one, I probably won't have one at all!

Jacob's work is having a NFL picks pool this year. They did it last year for respect, and Jacob did very well. This year it's $5/week for the entire season. I balked at first, I mean that's 10 regular season weeks PLUS post season, why not just go buy a Powerball for a buck and be done with it? But the pool got so big that the winner now gets over $700, and he did so well last year that I caved. If he wins maybe we will take a little mini-vacation next summer. I would love to use the money to buy season tickets the Colts, but we wouldn't be able to make hardly any of the games because of Jacob's work schedule.


Patricia said...

nothing like a sleeping baby :)

i hope you win!!

VaQueenBee said...

I love the picture of sophie sleeping. I used to love to see my kids in that's so doggone cute!!!