Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mamaw's Vacation Picture Post - One

Hello- It's me, Sophie! I promised my Mamaw that I would have Momma put a picture of me up every day she was gone!

Here I am being helpful.

This is my baby Momma gave me to get used to having one around.

This is what I do to it all the time.

Peek a Boo!

Have a good time, Mamaw! I love you!


Anonymous said...

Jacob says she is so cute. We miss all of you guys. I will see if I can find some NB safety glasses for Keegan. We did buy him a little somethin' tonight.

Love you all. Keep the pictures coming.


VaQueenBee said...

Cute pictures! The baby doll cracks me up! Poor Keegan!

Patricia said...

heh, she's very thorough with her eye exams, huh? maybe she could start blowing the baby kisses, instead. but i'm sure that's a lot less satisfying than poking the eyes. :)