Sunday, September 30, 2007

New Mom Needs Help

So- Sophie has decided that she does NOT want to go to bed. We were doing really well for a few months, and now it's a no go. Last night she was up past midnight. The night before that, 11:30. Usually she is in bed by 9:30. She is tired, this I know for sure. Normally I wouldn't sweat this- but now I need to get work done after she goes to bed. If she doesn't go to bed until midnight- I'm not working. So I sat down tonight to work at 9:00. Then 9:30. Then 10:00. Then 10:30. It's almost 11:00 now and she is screaming her head off. Help. Please.


Courtney said...

I have no real help for you, Andi. I'm sorry. I have a no-sleeper myself. The only "rule" with my DS is that he's not ready to sleep until 4.5-6 hours after waking from his last nap. That means no napping past 4 PM! Yesterday he napped 2:45-3:45 and didn't hit the hay until 9:50 (for 45 min. then was up and down allll night.) Maybe that was Sophie's deal? Did she take a late nap yesterday? Otherwise, my standard answer is, "Must be teething." ;-)

Patricia said...

uhmmm you figure out how do do this, then teach me some day, k?

seriously it must be really hard and i hear so many parents say the same thing. i hope it gets better and that you all get some sleep (and work done) soon.