Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Soap, The Kitties and the Miscellaneous

Well, much to my dismay, the soap in my sheets has stopped working. But I am not giving up- I'm going to get a bar of Irish Spring and go for it again. I'll let you know how it goes.

Since I couldn't have a post this short- I thought I would show you some other random pictures.

First off- my table. I love decorating my table- other than Christmas, table decorations are really the only change in my home decor, seasonally speaking. Really, I'm boring. I don't even send Christmas cards. But, I ordered this little pumpkin set and runner from LTD. So far, I am the only one who thinks it is cute in the slightest... everyone else hates it. But it's my table. Well, mine and Jacob's, but he lets me put whatever I want on it with only minimal to moderate grumbling.

Here are some pictures of my overly spoiled cats. They feel pretty neglected sometimes, but do an admirable job of bravery in the face of adversity, or in the case, the face of Sophie.

This is Gus. He's six. I got him when I had my very first apartment. I was not supposed to have animals, so when the landlord was over Gus stayed in the bathtub and prayed he would not be found. Kind of like Anne Frank, only not so dramatic and sad. Gus is the only cat that likes Sophie. He lets her do anything to him. Kiss him, head butt him, hug his neck, pull his ears and whiskers, try feebly to pick him up etc... He just takes it all in with a kitty sigh. Because of his patience with her, he has elevated his status to my favorite. Oh, and he is gay. He tries to be "intimate" with our other boy cat, who is much larger and more masculine. This usually ends very badly for Gus.

This is our other two cats, neither one would hold still for a picture. Gus likes to preen and be adored, these two couldn't care less. The gray one is Max. If Max were a man, he would wear flannel and drink beer. He would scratch himself in public. He would make inappropriate jokes in the workplace. He's like that. I'm sure you can see how he would take Gus' amorous advances. In fact, if you'll notice, this picture is of him in a somewhat compromising situation with Little Bit, our only girl cat. It's a little embarrassing, but hey- we are brutally honest around here. Little Bit is a finicky princess. She wears a gem encrusted collar. She is the epitome of a cat- she gets what she wants on her terms. Apparently right then she wanted to have her butt smelled. I guess that's how she rolls.

Sophie watched Barney today at Momma's house. I tried to see if she would watch Veggie Tales here to no avail. She just does not seem to be interested in television, which I am more than fine with. But it would be nice to have like a half hour long video that she could watch on the occasion that I need to so something unhindered, but I've managed so far just fine. Besides, this way she learns more from playing and such, which I think is awesome. And it means I get to play with her more, which is really awesome.

She is learning so much. The past few days she has picked up on the sign for more (thank you Cathy for the baby sign language book). So when she gets done, should she want more she has a way to convey that, which is incredibly convienent. She also can do airplane and kitty. We are still working on eat and drink, but she lets us know those by either standing in front of her high chair with her arms up and grunting or pointing up towards the sink for a bottle. She's just figureing out how to let us know stuff and I think that is so cool. Just watching her little wheels turn blows my mind. Babies just learn so much so fast, I think that is an awesome testiment to what an awesome God we serve! We are also working with her on folding her hands when we pray, I just know my heart will melt the first time she does it!


Patricia said...

your table looks very festive! i love ltd and i poured over the fall catalog for hours. i liked the turkey placemats, if you remember them. anyway, i love decorating my table in the same way. i just hung a little scarecrow on the door this weekend that i got at the dollar store.

i must tell you that i cannot stand barney. blech!

the cats are adorable. chris is allergic or i'd have one, myself.

Heidi Kellems said...

Baby signing ROCKS!!!! I wouldn't have it any other way. Some pick up on it as early as 8 months. I like the little "baby signs" books.