Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sophie Says:

Sophie has really picked up on her speech a lot this week. She now says thank you (dank du), no (nwo), hello (hew-woe, while waving at herself), Get her (gee gee gee, while tickling herself), more (while signing) and has learned to sign eat, but not say it. She also randomly says bite and bye, but not all the time. But if you ask if she is ready to go bye-bye, she will wave at herself, grab the keys if she can find them and wait for someone to open the door for her. And- if you ask her if she is ready to go night-night, she will walk to the kitchen and wait for her bottle to be fixed. She just seems to learn more every day!

We are trying to get her to understand the concept that there is going to be a baby around soon, but she's not getting it, and I don't know if she will. I'm not sure that she will be so good with a baby either, she saw me holding one the other day and was NOT happy, with me or the baby. Not much I can do about that I suppose. She got a baby doll for her birthday and we've been trying to get her to be nice to that, but mostly she just pokes it in the eyes. Not a good sign.

We took Ryan out for his birthday the other day, and I got some pictures, but my camera died while we were out and I haven't had the chance to look at it yet, but I'll try to get to it soon!


VaQueenBee said...

Sophie is at such a cute age. Getting her the baby doll is a good idea, but hopefully the eye poking thing will stop before the end of December!

Mandy said...

Children are delightful! Andrew's cousin started pre-school this year and his is a Christian and raised with strict tv schedules and video games etc. However when asked what he was going to do in school he ALWAYS replied "fight". He's in school now and doing fine, hopefully Sophie will have the same sudden change of heart when she sees her little brother.

Patricia said...

i like the nigh nigh one the best. now if only someone would say that to me and then bring me a snack!

what an adventure you are on! i love the verbals coming in, and now preparing to have two. oh my goodness!!