Wednesday, September 05, 2007

What IS that SMELL?

So, stuff smells bad lately. Laundry (clean or dirty), towels, rags, Sophie, me... it all smells. It smells like mildew or stale sweat or some other nastiness. I've been throwing clean laundry back into the wash by the truckload with Jacob all the while swearing he can't smell a thing. To which I respond "HOW CAN YOU NOT SMELL THAT?! IT'S AWFUL!" Still he swears he can't smell it.

Yesterday the smell hit a new level of grossness. I was literally gagging myself just from my own smell. I asked Ashlie, the girl I work with if I was just making her nauseous and she just stared at me. She couldn't smell me. When I went to pick up Sophie, Mom couldn't smell me. Neither could the kids, except for Carly who from the other side of the room declared I smelled like dirt. I'm not putting much stock in that.

When I got home, Jacob couldn't smell me. All the while, I am totally sickened by my own smell. I showered and changed, still smelled. The thing is... no one else can smell this smell. It's like an imaginary smell that only grosses me out. But it's not just me I smell, I'm driving Jacob and Momma both crazy with the pace I am throwing clean rags in the laundry. So how do you vanquish an imaginary smell? It's quite the quandary... is a smell that no one else can smell REALLY a smell? Does anyone know how to get rid of this odorless odor? Any ideas as to what is wrong with me!?
Edited to add:
Before you ask- I use unscented laundry detergent, soap and deodorant because my skin is so sensitive, so I know it isn't any of those. But if you come up with something else, please let me know!


Humincat said...

I'm new here, and first thing I thought was "She's pregnant!" and then I go looking around, and sure enough, you are pregnant!! It's some weird heightened senses that kept me nauseous and/or vomiting for 40 weeks straight, both times!! Just know, my husband had to bathe IMMEDIATELY when he arrived, and again if he thought he's was gonna get near me, cause I could smell sweat on a snail when I was prego! Have FUN!!!

Staci said...

I was thinking it might be a pregnancy thing as well, but I was also thinking maybe you might be getting a cold or sinus infection? I know this is gonna sound weird, but perhaps the inside of your nose smells from just such a cold or infection, which would explain a smell only you could smell that follows you wherever you go!! Just a thought!

Anonymous said...

yeah it could be either one of those things pregnacy smell which I had or a sinus infection. Well all I can say is take a lemon with you. Thats all that really ever helped me when I was pregnant. I would smell the most awful smell all the time. To make me stop gagging I would just keep a sliced lemon in a plastic bag and take it with me and everytime I would smell that smell I would bring it out squeeze it in the bag and smell it for 2 to 3 seconds, sounds silly but it worked for me:)
Good Luck,
Valerie Swartz

Patricia said...

i've read this many, many times. copy and paste this into any search engine and you can commiserate with others:

pregnancy+"everything smells bad"

Jodi said...

I have to second or third the pregnancy excuse. I swore I could smell the nurses perfume from the parking lot every time I went for a doctor's appointment.

My nose was on high alert with each pregnancy. Which would also explain the 4 months of puking, especially when I smelled something.

VaQueenBee said...

I was just going to say that the smell will probably go away in a few months! :o) I guess everyone else agrees...

MEAGAN said...

When we would dissect things in our high school anatomy class, we would put Vick's Vapor Rub under our noses so we wouldn't be able to smell all of the gross chemicals. But if menthol makes you gag that too, I suppose that would be a no go. You might look funny in public too.

JamieLynn said...

I am going thru this too Andi, which would lead to believe it's definitely the heightened sense of smell that accompanies pregnancy. My solution is that I have a room spray that I like the smell of and I spray it everywhere. It's a concentrated spray from the White Barn Candle Co. so it knocks out everything. But if you're highly sensitive to fragrance, it may not work for you!! (((hugs)))

Jada said...

maybe you're just a

Tina said...

I still can't use Downy laundry softener...turns my stomach every time. Hopefully you'll be able to "reappreciate" the smell of clean laundry after the pregnancy though, that would be bad if that icky symptom stuck around.