Wednesday, October 17, 2007

At least she won't get herpes

Sophie will not kiss people. Not at all. I swear I have not been kissed by her in over a week. The thing is- I could draw a big X on the back of a napkin and ask her to kiss it and she would not even hesitate to share her kisses with it. With the stinkin' NAPKIN. But when it comes to people, nnnnooooooooooo way mister. I just don't get it, and frankly sometimes it just makes me a bit surly. But then,the surliness could just be plain old discomfort. It's hard to say. But I still think it stinks. Anyone else have a no-kissin' kid?

Maybe Keegan will be my little smootcher.

PS- My post window today was totally normal. I did nothing to it, but I am relieved it is back. It's a good think I am so level headed, otherwise I might have panicked. :)


Jodi said...

Maybe one of her uncles told her kisses were icky? ;)

Just give her lots and lots of kisses. She will learn. Those cheeks need kissing every day.

Fatcat said...

My nephew was this way when he was about that age. My sister-in-law would say "I'm going to give you a kiss and a hug" and he'd say
"No keeesss. No ug."

Too cute.

This too, shall pass. ;-)

Staci said...

Just giggling at the title of this post!! LOL My nephew is not a kisser and never was and he's 5. My sister has to bribe him. Oh the manipulation!! The poor guy has to give kisses just to get bike riding time...LOL

Staci said...

OOPS...PS...maybe when Sophie sees Keegan smoochin' ya, she will get jealous and be the biggest smoocher of all!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should write a big X on your cheek...see if she'll kiss that. :)