Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Beginning of a Bad Habit

Tonight as we were eating dinner Jacob and I looked over to discover this...

Being the good role model parents that we are, we responded in a very mature fashion. We laughed. Hysterical, pee inducing laughter that we could not stifle, though I promise we tried. She wasn't even really moving her finger, just sitting there with it stuck up her nose like she had just found a nifty resting spot for it. This gave Jacob time to run for the camera. Trust the man to want this first documented. He made me promise to blog about it.

For those of you that have a twisted sense of humor like us... this one is for you.

Notice the crud on her face. That would be the remains of over half a bowl of beef stew and 4 Vienna sausages. Gross. She and Jacob both love them. She is a food machine. She's a linebacker in a toddler body. She ate more at dinner than I did- literally. But back to the story, after the finger was finally removed from the nostril, it seems she had a moment of regret. Or tiredness. But I'll caption it as regret as follows...

This one she is thinking "Oy, I am such a schmuck". We can say things like "Oy" and "Schmuck" because we have a Jewish last name. Mazel tav.

This one she is thinking "I am so embarrassed that I was caught with my finger shoved up my nose." I'm counting on this guilt to keep her from doing it more. If she DOES do it again, Jacob and I have sternly gotten onto ourselves and made each other promise to not laugh like a hyena, but honestly, all bets are off. We have no self control.


Perri said...

I love that kid and I am so glad you shared that with us.

Patricia said...

another milestone (and sinus cavity) reached! :)

Courtney said...

I love the way you said that, "like she had just found a nifty resting spot for it." Describes it perfectly!! Our son has done just that a few times too. :-D