Monday, October 08, 2007

Current Events

Jacob and I went traveled over the weekend to visit both sets of my grandparents.We had a great time, and Sophie just had a ball. Late Saturday night I was having a lot of cramps. I chalked it up to Braxton-Hicks contractions due to the heat (it was almost 95 degrees), driving so much, etc... I took it easy that night and the cramping slowed down during the night to almost nothing.

The next day I felt quite a bit better an didn't thing anything about it until it got worse on the car ride home. But even then it was still just what I thought was cramps, I had no intention of calling the doctor because I had a regular appointment scheduled for early in the week.

My intentions changed when I got home. As I was walking through the kitchen I literally hit my knees to the floor because of such a sharp pain. I stood up and called for Jacob. Then we called the doctor. He was sure it was probably just cramping due to dehydration, like before, but wanted me to come in to be checked, just in case. We were so sure things were still just routine that Jacob stayed home to sleep for work and I called Momma to take me. On the way we saw Sherie so she came too. Heidi very graciously agreed to watch Sophie for as long as it took (thank you so much, Heidi). By now the sharp pain had not repeated itself (and never would), and I was back to just cramping. I was feeling like I would be home soon, but the situation was still nerve wracking. No one like the feeling of going to the emergency room, even when things are probably fine.

I was registered and checked in where I was promptly given a urine test for dehydration- negative. No infections either, but there sure were contractions. You could have knocked me over with a feather. She swabbed me for a hormone test that would tell if I would go into labor in the next two weeks, but said she would not send off the results unless I was dilated. We all just figured it was a waste of time, but hey- I was just along for the ride. So then I got the exam which showed I was 2 cm dilated. I swear I must have practically broke that poor girls fingers because I sat straight up and said "You have GOT to be kidding me." Luckily she was good natured, gently got me back down and assured me that she was not kidding, and that she would now get the results of the hormone test, and they gave me two pills to stop the contractions.

We waited for a bit to see what was going to happen. I had called Jacob to let him know what was going on and to give him a list of odds and ends I needed. I was remarkably calm- for me. All I could think of was not having a baby born as early as Zac was. Just let me go a little while longer, Lord. Just let me go A LOT longer. I tried to keep a good outlook and not worry. That is hard for me- I am a worrier.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”
~ Philippians 4:6-7

I was admitted to the labor and delivery ward, just to get me out of triage and into a room. I was put on IV fluids just to be 100% sure I was not dehydrated. Then we got the results we wanted- a big negative on the hormone test.God, Thank you, Lord. After that the evening was mostly just watching the contractions slack off and speed up. We ordered Pizza, watched Law and Order then they gave me a sleeping pill (which I only had once before and I LOVED and is an entire post all by itself). After that I imagine I entertained Momma and the nurse for a while then fell asleep.

Sleeping at the hospital is horrible. Every time I would roll over the monitors would lose Keegan's heartbeat so they would come in and wake me up, reposition the monitors, take my blood pressure and leave. I roll over A LOT. Eventually morning came, with breakfast and a nurse saying that things looked good overnight and I would probably get to go home. We hung out more and eventually in the early afternoon I was sent home on bed rest, with prescription for the "anti-contraction" pills and directions to call if things get worse again. So here I am at Momma's. I would be here anyway because Jacob weed whacked some wires on the air conditioner right before we left so it is well over 90 degrees in the house. So I'm here. Not for the reasons I had originally intended- but things will hopefully stay nice and calm.

Remember that I am at Mom's house- so should any of you feel the need to send cookies- they would need to come here! Keegan really likes cookies.


Mandy said...

I baked cookies today for my bakesale on Wednesday... I'd sure love to give them to Keegan but I'm fairly certain by the time they cleared customs they would be stale. Hopefully lots of your friends and family heed your message and bring you cookies!!

I'm praying for you and Keegan!! Hopefully he says in there for at least 10 more weeks!

MEAGAN said...

Keegan sure likes to make things interesting! So now that you know what a contraction feels like, is it safe to say that you would rather go without them for now on? Let me know if you need anything- I plan on making cupcakes soon, so I'll definitely bring you some!

Heidi Kellems said...

I just wanted to say that Jessica was the one who took care of Sophie. She did an awesome job. I just supervised. Jessica said she knows how tiring it is to "parent" and won't be thinking of having a child for A LONG TIME. Larry said it felt incredibly awfully awkward setting up a play pen in our oldest's bedroom. Well I am thankful that our daughter is VERY sensible and prayerfully we won't have to worry about that for a LONG TIME.

We are praying for you Andi and Keegan. If you need us again, give us a shout!! As the Motel 6 commercials state "We'll leave the light on for ya"

Courtney said...

I'll keep you, Keegan, Jacob, and Sophie in my prayers!

Jodi said...

Lots of prayers said! I hope he decides to stay put for many more weeks.

Patricia said...

oh my goodness, what a weekend. i was on the edge of my seat as i was trying to speed-read to get to the part where everything is okay. and i'm so grateful that it is. i hope you and k.l. continue to rest well and no more of this funny business, mr. keegan! we're all anxious to see you but not quite this anxious.

VaQueenBee said...

Stay put, little boy! :o)

I'm praying he stays where he should for the time being...he can start disobeying *after* he's born! LOL

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Oh Andi, I'm so sorry I'm behind in my blog readings. I had chills reading this post and am praying heavily for you and Keegan and for many many many more weeks before he arrives. Let everyone pamper you and take it easy girl! Keep us posted!!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.