Monday, October 22, 2007

Little Mother

Sophie is not allowed to eat cat food. This kills her- but hey, some things I am just adamant on. She cries and fusses and swears that I am the most hateful mom ever. I just stand there and in a clear, unwavering, grown up voice, declare that the cat food is "yucky".

The message has apparently gotten through. Today Sophie walked over to the cat, who was eating the forbidden fruit, swatted him on the butt and said "Yuck". Then when he looked at her- she sternly, in an unwavering sort of grown up way, nodded NO.

She's awesome.


Patricia said...

she is awesome indeed.

so is her mom.

hugs. just because stuff like this gets me all mushy. :)

Fatcat said...


JamieLynn said...

LOL! How cute!

And on a side note...I need help. Do you know what we can take for indigestion?! It's KILLING me!

Staci said...

She's such a quick learner! You may very well have a genius on your hands!