Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Mamaw's Vacation Picture Post - Three

Today Momma let me sweep the floor.
She's always sweeping the floor, muttering under her breath about the cats.
I guess cats are messy.
I'm not messy.
Momma says that I am a big helper.

I guess she forgot about the other room that I wrecked today. She's forgetful sometimes.

I love sweeping. I really like this mushy handle on the broom.

Well I guess that's about it for today. Hope you all are having a good time!

Happy Birthday Aunt Carly!


Perri said...

Such a big helper. And a cuter one can't be found. See you in a few days!


Patricia said...

way better than any old swiffer.

may she always enjoy chores this much.

Courtney said...

Kids and brooms seem to go together like peas and carrots! I'm with Patricia-- I hope they always enjoy helping as much as they do right now!

VaQueenBee said...

Perri ought to go out of town more often...I'm really enjoying these pictures! LOL